Please help with assignment Sheet1Rsearchers Subjects Method/Independent Variables Dependent Variables

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RsearchersSubjectsMethod/Independent VariablesDependent VariablesOutcomes/PerceptionsOutcomes/ExperiencesOutcomes/EffectsQuality / Measurement used
Khan, S., Shapka, J. D., & Domene, J. F. (2021)CounselorsOnline therapy experiencesPersonal ExperiencesVaried experiencesStudy themes
Zeren, et al. (2022).Six patientsOnline therapy experiencesPersonal ExperiencesPatient satisfactionStudy themes
Last, B. S., Mirhashem, R., & Yang, Y. (2024)18 therapistsSemi-structured interviewsSession planningsession planning barriersInterviews
Ncheka et al. (2024)50 studentsQualitative interviewPerceived Covid impact Perceived impactInteriviews
Posselt, J., Baumann, E., & Dierks, M.-L. (2024).17 patientsQualitative interviewPerformance expectanciesPerception of performanceInterviews
Sander et al. (2021)Mental health professionals Online therapyAdded valueImproved inpatient careOnline therapy
Sockalingam et al. (2024)Surgery patientsTelephone-based therapyMental health distressPositive results in reducing distressTelephone therapy
Tuna, B., & Avci, O. H. (2023).15 counselorsQualitative interviewCounselor experiencesAdaptations to online counseling.Interviews
Westerhof et al. (2019)Older adultsOnline therapy for symptomsDepressive symptomsPostive effects on depressive symptomsInterviews
Xie et al. (2023).Hematologic patients Remote dignity therapyMental healthPositive effects on mental healthRandomized controlled trials
Greenwood et al. 2022).931 PatientsRandomized controlled trialsCognitive behavioral therapyEffective treatment of mental healthInterviews
Békés et al. (2021)1257 TherapistsTherapists views and challenges Online therapyTherapist percepitons of qualityOnline counseling
Ierardi et al. (2022)34 StudentsOnline counselingIn-person counselingOnline counseling effective in reducing depressive symptomsOnline counseling
Schuster et al. (2020).300 TherapistsOnline surveyTherapist attidueThereapist attitude towards blended treatmentOnline survey
Renn et al. (2019)164 Adult patientsOnline surveyPatient choicesPatient made varying choicesOnline survey

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