Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address the following writing prompt. Your response should be a minimum of two pages, but no

Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address the following writing prompt. Your response should be a minimum of two pages, but no more than five pages (unless you have instructor approval).

The definition of a minority does not necessarily mean a person who belongs to a small group within a population. What are the five characteristics of a “minority”, according to sociologist Louis Wirth in 1945?

Based on your readings and experience pick a minority group and discuss them using the five characteristics of a “minority” according to Wirth?  Do all five characteristics fit for that group?  Why or why not?

Find a current newspaper or magazine article regarding the group you chose (within the last five years). How does what you studied in this section relate to the current situation of the American minority group that you studied? Note: please include a link for the article you chose in APA format on a reference list at the end of your essay.

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