The Standardisation Task (this assignment, due 1/4) and Final Scenario Report (due 31/5) are both based around a case study, concerning the question of

The Standardisation Task (this assignment, due 1/4) and Final Scenario Report (due 31/5) are both based around a case study, concerning the question of whether mobile phones should be banned at Blackberry Heights College, NSW.

In the Final Scenario at the end of semester you will take on the role of advisor to the Principal of Blackberry Heights College. You will need to evaluate two opposing arguments from parent representatives on either side of this debate, and make a recommendation between them. Full details about that assignment will be available in iLearn by the end of the mid-semester break.

The assignment you will be completing first, the Standardisation Task, due on 1/4/24 (Monday of week 7), is based on the first of those arguments, a submission to the Principal and parent body written by Anne Tetek, a parent at the school who is leading the charge against mobile phones.

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