Review this week’s Learning Resources to familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals in the civil

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources to familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of forensic psychology professionals in the civil court.
  • Based on your professional interests, choose one of the following topics that pertains to the civil court:
    • Civil Commitment
      Note: Choose either civil commitment for dangerousness to self/others or civil commitment for dangerousness to the community of a sex offender. Also, you must choose a case that occurred within your state (or choose a state of interest if you live outside of the U.S.) and be prepared to comment on the specific state laws in reference to the case.
    • Psychological Autopsies
    • Sexual Harassment
    • Workers Compensation/Disability
  • Identify a well-known case that is applicable to the topic you selected and research it on the internet.

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