See attachment below.
This course requires you to write a paper that more closely aligns with mainstream economic research. This means that a literature review will not be sufficient for a final product (although one should be included). You will be required to include an analytical section of your paper (either empirical, theoretical, or both). As a short note, the enumerated requirements of this paper will likely be less than what you have been given in other courses. However, the content will likely be more sophisticated, resulting in a longer paper. The goal of the course and the paper is to have you transition into a professional setting. Academic journals, bosses, and policy outlets rarely give you minimum word counts or number of sources. However, if you produce an unsatisfactory product, you will not be successful. A good paper will be evident. As the Supreme Court has famously said, for a good paper: “I’ll know it when I see it.” I expect your paper to be written in a formal academic style. This means your paper should be free of spelling and grammar errors, appropriately formal, well organized and reasoned, with an appropriate number of citations. This paper requires a minimum of 10 pages and should be more than 5 sources. Students will be required to give a formal presentation on their paper.
Expectation of this paper:
1. Name the paper
2. Introduction
3. Background
4. Method
5. Data
6. Result
7. Conclusion
Remember to run a basic regression on your paper.
· This is an example of what your paper should be like
This is the website you are going to use while writing this paper to find the data you want to work with.