SMSU Department Of NursingNURS 440Module 12 GuideVirtual

SMSU Department Of Nursing

NURS 440

Module 12 Guide

Virtual Conference

Description of Module: This module will create a foundation for our Virtual Conference. This conference will use all the information gained from this course allowing us to display our learning, share our expertise, and learn from others.

Module Objectives:

1- Examine planned change processes

2- Analyze individual/team project

3- Take part in reflection on learning experience

This is the twelfth module in NURS 440. The assignment due dates are found in the NURS 440 calendar.

Module 12 – assignments:

Virtual Conference (34 points)

First, view Virtual Conference Review Video found in Module 12

ii. Follow Virtual Conference Requirements

i. Poster has been placed in the Virtual Conference Discussion Forum in Module 11

ii. View every poster in the Virtual Conference Discussion area.

iii. Pose at least one profound question to a peer/team about their presentation (not to your own team members) (if working in teams, both team members need to pose a profound question). The posting of this question to peers is due on Thursday night.

iv. Reply to comments and/or questions posed to you by your peers in the Virtual Conference (if working in teams, team members may share this responsibility). This reply/replies are due on Sunday night by the end of this assignment.

v. Throughout the Virtual Conference this week, think about the Reflection Questions (listed below) and address those questions by replying to your own poster, with the posting including all the reflection questions below (if working in teams, both team members need to address the Reflection Questions). This posting is due on Sunday night by the end of this assignment.

vi. The Virtual Conference ends on Sunday night.

vii. When you feel you have completed your participation in the Virtual Conference, please complete Participation in Virtual Conference Self-grading Quiz.

viii. No points will be awarded for the Virtual Conference if the Participation in Virtual Conference Self-grading Quiz is not completed.

ix. Participation in the Virtual Conference grading scale is displayed below.

x. The instructor will review each student’s self-grad for accuracy and adjust as needed.

Reflection Questions:

1. Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how will you ready yourself, as the leader, for the change?

2. Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how confident are you in the ability to create the change?

3. Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how will you prepare team members for the change?

4. Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how would you make decisions made about how to communicate the planned change process to all the stakeholders?

5. Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, do you feel the change process will support effective teamwork, and why?

Rubric for Participation in Virtual Conference




Profound Question

Posed at least one profound question to a peer/team about their presentation (5 points) (Due Thursday night)

Posed a question to a peer/team but was closed ended question or question posed after Thursday night (2.5 points)

Did not pose a question to a peer/team (0 points)

Replies to Peers Comments

Replied to comments made to you by peers in the Virtual Conference and addressed questions posed to you about your presentation by your peers, if any questions were posed to you (4 points)

Replied to comments made to you by peers in the Virtual Conference but did not address questions posed to you about your presentation by your peers (2 points)

Did not reply to peers comments or questions (0 points)

Reflection Question: Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how will you ready yourself, as the leader, for the change?

Posed reflection considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how you would ready yourself, as the leader, for the change (5 points)

Posed reflection considering how you would ready yourself for the change, but not in the leadership role (2.5 points)

Did not pose reflection considering how you would ready yourself for the change (0 points)

Reflection Question: Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how confident are you in the ability to create the change?

Posed reflection considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how confident you are in the ability to create this change (5 points)

Posed reflection considering how confident you are in the ability to create this change, but not in the leadership role (2.5 points)

Did not pose reflection considering how confident you are in the ability to create this change (0 points)

Reflection Question: Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how will you prepare team members for the change?

Posed reflection considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how you would prepare team members for this change (5 points)

Posed reflection considering how you would prepare team members for this change, but not in the leadership role (2.5 points)

Did not pose reflection considering how you would prepare team members for this change (0 points)

Reflection Question: Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how would you make decisions made about how to communicate the planned change process to all the stakeholders?

Posed reflection considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how you would make decisions made about how to communicate the planned change process to all the stakeholders (5 points)

Posed reflection
considering how you would make decisions made about how to communicate the planned change process to all the stakeholders, but not in the leadership role (2.5 points)

Did not pose reflection considering how you would make decisions made about how to communicate the planned change process to all the stakeholders (0 points)

Reflection Question: Considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, do you feel the change process will support effective teamwork, and why?

Posed reflection considering yourself the leader for your Planned Change Process, how you feel the change process would support effective teamwork and why (5 points)

Posed reflection considering how you feel the change process would support effective teamwork, but not why (2.5 points)

Did not pose reflection considering how you feel the change process would support effective teamwork (0 points)

Checklist: A checklist has been created for you own personal use in each module in NURS 440. If you choose to use the checklist tool, it may provide you with a system to double check if you have everything done for each module.

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