1. Regarding the pioneers in sociology from Topic 1, which theorists do you think have the most relevance for today? How do you see their theories

1. Regarding the pioneers in sociology from Topic 1, which theorists do you think have the most relevance for today? How do you see their theories being applied today? Give examples.

2. Explain how your views on marketing have changed as a result of this course. What is one key takeaway that you can attribute to this shift in your view?

3. The purpose of this assignment is to create a resume, a cover letter, and LinkedIn profile that you can use to effectively present yourself to potential employers.

Research recruiting sites and identify potential positions that will interact with one or more of the key marketing functions and align with your career ambitions.

Self-promotion is an integral part of career success, and the first and most important product you need to learn how to market is yourself. You are a brand, and your ability to communicate your brand effectively to potential employers for internships and entry-level jobs in your field of study is an essential workplace skill.

Review the Topic 7 Resources and use what you have learned about the key elements of branding and brand management (such as purpose, positioning, promise, personality and values, and brand expression) to construct a one-page resume and a one-page cover letter that capitalize on you as a unique brand that you want to sell to potential employers.

Resume and Cover Letter

Create a resume and cover letter that include the following:

· Highlight your skills, abilities, qualifications, and experience relevant to the position you are seeking.

· Utilize appropriate keywords relevant to the position you are seeking.

· Utilize a clear, easy-to-read font and provide an appropriate photo if you elect to include one.

· Demonstrate key elements of branding.

LinkedIn Profile

Create a LinkedIn profile. When the profile is completed, take a screenshot of the profile for submission to your instructor.

If for any reason you have a vocational limitation or other valid reason why you are unable to create a LinkedIn profile as directed, see your instructor for an alternative direction. 

General Requirements

You are required to submit your resume, cover letter, and the screenshot of your LinkedIn profile.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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