Can someone assist me with this? Discussion 3: Personality & OB For this discussion board assignment address the following two points:Define

 Can someone assist me with this?

Discussion 3: Personality & OB

For this discussion board assignment address the following two points:

  1. Define personality and describe general personality frameworks and attributes that affect behavior in organizations.
  2. How does organizations foster a work environment that allows employees an opportunity to develop and grow?
  3. What are some things that managers can do to foster organizational harmony where they get the best results from all employees. 

Participation Expectations

Refer to Chapter 2 in the e-book to help you address discussion board AND use an additional creditable source. Which means you will have at least 2 references at the bottom of your post. 

Use of creditable references are is required for this specific assignment. Meaning you must have at least 2 references. One can be your e-text book and the other can be another resource. Resources must be within the last 5-10 years. 

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