Paper #2: Response Paper For this paper, you will need to describe how you personally related to seven of the following assigned readings: Gonzalez,

Paper #2: Response Paper

For this paper, you will need to describe how you personally related to seven of the following

assigned readings: Gonzalez, Lorber, Griffin, Bernstein, Reynold, Rothstein, Sadker and Sadker, Rubin,

Lareau, Abrego, and Nguyen. You will need to summarize the reading you discuss and provide

describe how you personally relate to the material. Please be as specific as possible both when

describing the aspect(s) of each of the readings you relate to and when laying out your example.

Your paper should:

A) Be 5-7 pages (typed and double spaced with 1″ margins)

B) Be grammatically correct. I suggest you go to the writing center to get extra help.

C) Cite each paper as you lay out the ideas it proposes and have a reference section in which you

provide a citation of the paper.


1. You need some sort of introductory paragraph that lays out the argument you will make that

ties the seven articles you plan to write about together.

2. Please make sure that you provide a concise summary of the articles you are discussing in

enough detail that a person who had not read the articles would get the point of what the

article was about.

3. Put your examples in context. That is, make sure that you make it clear how your example

relates to the article you are connecting to.

4. Make sure that you provide personal examples relating to each of the seven articles you are

discussing – even if your personal example is “I saw an example of ______ on social media….

or TV or ….”

5. You need a short summary or conclusion paragraph.

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