SOAP NOTE  Students will watch the Netflix series MAID and write SOAP notes for certain episodes of the series. A SOAP note is a commonly used format often


Students will watch the Netflix series MAID and write SOAP notes for certain episodes of the series. A SOAP note is a commonly used format often employed by those who work in social services to document what is occurring in a family and to develop a plan to assist the family. Key terms and concepts from the theory/course concepts should be correctly applied throughout the SOAP note when appropriate. You may not use the same theory for more than one SOAP note. A detailed description of this format will be provided. The episodes of the show that will be used for this assignment and the theories you can pick for each note are listed in the table below.  Refer to the course calendar for due dates. You will have an opportunity to practice developing these SOAP notes during class time.

Soap Note 2

Write this on Paula, Alex’s mom – Disabilities chapter– mental illness &  Danger to self, others, or psychotic decompensation

Parts of several episodes and 7 & 

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