4/6/24, Assignment InformationPage 1 of 2CJ 406 Module Five Journal Guidelines and RubricOverviewIn this assignment, you will read a

4/6/24, Assignment Information

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CJ 406 Module Five Journal Guidelines and Rubric


In this assignment, you will read a scenario about a criminal justice professional who is struggling with stress on the job. You will suggest resources and habits to reduce stress and identify how

those around the criminal justice professional can reduce his or her reluctance to seek assistance for stress.


In this assignment, you will view how stress affects a criminal justice professional from the viewpoint of a manager. You will explain ways to combat that stress and ways to reduce the

reluctance of the criminal justice professional to seek assistance.

First, choose oneoneoneone of the scenarios below:

Scenario 1

You have been a supervisor for a few years, and you notice that one of your officers has been showing up for work more exhausted than usual and just on time or occasionally a little late.

During his shift, he appears to be avoiding his peers. His fuse has been short, and a few arrests have included more aggression than normal, although not enough for a complaint. This officer,

who normally produces a good report, has had difficulty writing his reports and has been omitting details, which has resulted in typing a few reports twice to obtain your approval. You know

that this officer has a history of being a good officer, but clearly something is bothering him. You talk to him and he admits that he is under a great deal of stress and is having difficulty keeping

his work–life balance in check.

Scenario 2

You are a female supervisor who has been on the job for 20 years. Although you are the supervisor, you are friends with the other four female officers in the department. Although the group

does not all work the same shift, the camaraderie is tight, and the group checks on one another and socializes outside of work. Three months ago, the husband of one of the female officers

committed suicide. He shot himself in his car. Before this act, the female officer had confided that she was having marital problems and that she was concerned because her husband’s brother

had committed suicide five years earlier. When the group suggested peer counseling, she was not ready for that level of counseling but chose to rely on the group for support.

Since her husband’s suicide, her depression continues to be intense. She is crying daily and always stating that she wants her old life back. She has no interest in kickboxing or other activities

she previously enjoyed. She is irritable, and, given her mother’s history of alcohol abuse, you are concerned each time she talks about drinking. The final straw is that she is beginning to isolate.

Before she relied on the group’s support, but now she is not socializing with the group after work. Although it has only been 90 days, her deep depression, her loss of interest in her wellness

activities, her access to her duty weapon, and her increased isolation have you concerned for her well-being.

Consider resources and habits that you could suggest to the employee to reduce stress. Then, identify how you, in a management position, can reduce the reluctance of the employee to seek

assistance for stress.

Specifically, address the following criteria:

In 100 to 150 words, explain resources and habitsresources and habitsresources and habitsresources and habits that could reduce stress for the employee.

In 100 to 150 words, explain how managementmanagementmanagementmanagement can reduce the reluctance of the employee to seek assistance for stress.

What to Submit

This assignment should be 200 to 300 words in length. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Note:Note:Note:Note: For journal assignments, you can receive a Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident score on each of your rubric criteria. There is no Exemplary score for this assignment, because

you will receive feedback and make revisions to improve beyond proficiency in these concepts.

Module Five Journal Rubric

CriteriaCriteriaCriteriaCriteria Proficient (100%)Proficient (100%)Proficient (100%)Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (85%)Needs Improvement (85%)Needs Improvement (85%)Needs Improvement (85%) Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%)Not Evident (0%) ValueValueValueValue

Articulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct

grammar, sentence structure, and spelling,

demonstrating an understanding of

audience and purpose

Shows progress toward proficiency, but

with errors in grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, negatively impacting


Submission has critical errors in grammar,

sentence structure, and spelling,

preventing understanding of ideas


Resources and HabitsResources and HabitsResources and HabitsResources and Habits Explains resources and habits that could Shows progress toward proficiency, but Does not attempt criterion 40


4/6/24, Assignment Information

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reduce stress for the employee with errors or omissions

ManagementManagementManagementManagement Explains how management can reduce the

reluctance of the employee to seek

assistance for stress

Shows progress toward proficiency, but

with errors or omissions

Does not attempt criterion 40

Citations andCitations andCitations andCitations and


Uses citations for ideas requiring

attribution, with consistent minor errors

Uses citations for ideas requiring

attribution, with major errors

Does not use citations for ideas requiring



Total:Total:Total:Total: 100%

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