Assessment Tasks and Instructions
Student Name | |
Student Number | |
Course and Code | |
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) | SITXHRM008 Roster staff |
Stream/Cluster | |
Trainer/Assessor |
Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster | Details |
Assessment 1 | Short Answers |
Assessment 2 | Assignment |
Assessment 3 | Project |
Reasonable Adjustment |
1. |
No |_| No further information required Yes |_| Complete 2. |
2. |
Student to complete | |||
|_| | My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me | ||
|_| | I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment | ||
Signature | Date |
2nd Assessor to complete | |||
|_| | I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable | ||
Name | |||
Signature | Date |
Assessment Guidelines
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
· sufficient staff to ensure the delivery of required services within wage budget constraints · appropriate skills mix of the team · compliance with industrial provisions and organisational policy · completion of rosters within commercial and staff time constraints. |
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package. Computer, Internet Access, Spreadsheet template |
This assignment consist of 2 Parts, Part A and Part B: For Part A you are required to establish a roster based on provided criteria, access the Fair Work website and determine the award rates, establish overtime as applicable at the correct award rates, and calculate the wages for each staff member. Further, you are required to establish the total wage bill for the working week. For Part B you are required to troubleshoot a short notice staff incident which does require you to investigate and find a solution for replacement of staff, determine the associated impact on budget and the legal aspects to be considered based on the legislative provisions for shifts, breaks, overtime etc. on the Fair Work website. |
Statement of Authenticity | |
|_| | I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks |
|_| | The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes |
|_| | I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment |
Student Signature: Date: / /201 |
This assessment: | First Attempt |_| | 2nd Attempt |_| | 3nd Attempt |_| |
Extension |_| |
RESULT OF ASSESSMENT | Part A |_| Part B |_| | Satisfactory |_| Not Yet Satisfactory |_| Satisfactory |_| Not Yet Satisfactory |_|
| ||
Feedback to Student: | ||||
Assessor(s) Signature(s): | Date: | / / | ||
Student Signature | Date: | / / |
Assessment 2
Your Tasks
All relevant information relating to awards and award conditions must be sourced from the following website:
1. You are required to develop the roster for the week commencing
16 January 2017 to 22 January 2017
, using the spreadsheets provided.
Note: The information provided below includes a 30 minute meal break for each staff member.
You will need to use the Roster spreadsheet to develop this staff roster on the first Tab.
Mark (Front Office grade 1) – will be working from 13.30 – 22.00 on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sun and from 13.30 – 20.00 on Sat.
Tom (Front Office grade 1) – will be working from 6.00 – 14.30 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Sun and from 6.00 – 12.30 on Saturday.
Jordan (Front Office grade 1) – will be working from 22.00 – 6.30 Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri and from 24.00 – 6.30 on Sat.
Sam (Front Office grade 2) – will be working from 15.30 – 22.00 on Mon, from 6.00 – 14.30 on Thurs, Fri and Sat and from 13.30 – 22.00 on Sun.
Shelly (Front Office grade 2) – will be working from 13.30 – 22.00 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs and from 13.30 – 20.00 on Fri.
Darren (Front Office grade 3) – will be working from 22.00 – 6.30 on Mon, Fri, Sat and Sun and from 24.00 – 6.30 on Tues.
Scott (Front Office Supervisor) will be working from 6.00 – 14.30 on Mon, Tues, Wed and Sun and from 6.00 – 12.30 on Thurs.
Margaret (Front Office Supervisor) – will be working from 15.30 – 22.00 on Tues, 13.30 – 22.00 on Wed and Sat, 12.30 – 21.00 on Thurs and from 6.00 – 14.30 on Fri.
2. Once you have developed the roster based on the above information, transfer the roster on TAB Part A and:
a. Check if each employee has at least two rostered days off in the week. Highlight these days in grey colour.
b. Calculate the weekly wages for each of the staff.
c. Calculate work hours for the week for each staff member.
d. Locate the correct hourly rate for each staff member based on their award including penalty rates which apply for specific times during weekdays and for Saturdays and Sundays.
e. Calculate the wages for each staff member for the week for this roster.
f. Calculate the total Wages for the week.
g. Determine if the wage budget of $7200.00 for the week is being met. By how much is it over or under?
Part B
You are required to troubleshoot a short notice staff incident which does require you to investigate and find a solution for replacement of staff, determine the associated impact on budget and the legal aspects to be considered based on the legislative provisions for shifts, breaks, overtime etc. on the Fair Work website:
It is Saturday afternoon on the 18th January at 14.30 hours. Sam leaves work due to symptoms of gastro and the supervisor tells her to stay home until she is well again.
a. Identify the existing staff who could be contacted to cover for Sam’s shift on Sunday from 13.30 – 22.00 and calculate their entitlements to enable you to do a comparison and evaluation.
b. Calculate the wage entitlement for a casual to cover Sam’s shift Sunday from 13.30 – 22.00 at award level “Front Office Level 3”.
c. How is the wage budget of $7200.00 affected if no existing staff can cover the shift of Sam, and a casual for this shift at Front Office Level 3 would be employed?
d. What would be the cheapest option for the business to cover Sam’s shift given your findings in a, b and c?
Would you choose this option?
Which aspects do you need to consider in terms of job role/level and adequate breaks?
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