attachedComment about this post: Hi everyone! This week’s chapter regarded unintended pregnancies, whose at higher risks for unwanted pregnancies a


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Hi everyone! This week’s chapter regarded unintended pregnancies, whose at higher risks for unwanted pregnancies and unprotected sex, STD’s and sex education in schools. I remember being in 7th grade and briefly going over the topic of sex and how to keep yourself protected. This was all discussed over two class periods and I remember still being confused as to the topic and having so many questions at the end of it. I kept many of those questions to myself due to fear/shyness of asking my teachers and parents about it especially coming from an orthodox Christian background. However, because of this I feel it’s really important we as parents (or when we are parents) make our teens feel safe and comfortable to come to parental figures when having any type of sexual question or concern. The same goes for teachers, personally I feel this was a topic my science teacher at the time tiptoed around but it’s a lot more important that teens from rough and rural upbringings get as much education on that topic as they can for their safety.

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