Discussion Board Activity (DBA) 3: Chapters 6, 7 & 8Chapter 6 – RationalismIn at least 250

Discussion Board Activity (DBA) 3: Chapters 6, 7 & 8

Chapter 6 – Rationalism

In at least 250 words, discuss the basic differences between empiricism and rationalism. Include in your answer a distinction between a passive and an active mind. After studying them, what is your opinion? 
As a minimum, refer to the textbook and to the 

video posted for this moduleLinks to an external site.

 as a supplement
 (7 points).

Chapter 7 – Romanticism and Existentialism

In at least 250 
words, describe
 existentialism. How is it different from romanticism, and what did the philosophies of romanticism and existentialism have in common? What is your opinion of them? 
As a minimum, refer to the textbook and to the 

video posted for this moduleLinks to an external site.

 as a supplement
 (7 points).

Chapter 8- Physiology and Psychophysics

Respond to 
at least one of your classmates’ posts by providing 
substantial feedback. If citing reference(s) in addition to the textbook, be sure to use APA format for in-text citations and the reference list (
3 points).

In at least 350 words
, compare and contrast the approaches to brain research by Gall and Flourens. Which approach did the research by Fritsch, Hitzig, and Ferrier support? 

As a minimum

, refer to the textbook and view 

the video posted for this module

 as a supplement
 (14 points).

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