Discussion Board – Attend AA Meeting6969 unread replies.6969 replies. For this discussion board, you will have an experiential component and a brief

Discussion Board – Attend AA Meeting6969 unread replies.6969 replies.

For this discussion board, you will have an experiential component and a brief reflection. For the experiential component, you will attend an Alcoholics Anonymous (or any other extension of AA such as Narcotics or Overeaters Anonymous; the choice is yours). You will attend a meeting either virtually or in person (your choice). Meetings generally last an hour or so. You should take notes on what is discussed and monitor your personal reactions to what is discussed by both members as well as the 12 step model.

For virtual meetings here is one resource:  to an external site.

For meetings in Mississippi:  to an external site. 

Be attentive. Some meetings are closed (same group of people over time) and others have gender specific requirements (men only or women only) and should abide by these requirement.

In your post, you should describe following: 1) the type of meetings you attended, 2) the format (online vs in-person), 3) what you learned, and 4) your personal reactions

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