Project: Omni-Channel Retail You will be responsible for analyzing a company’s omni-channel retail strategy.Company: American Girl

Project: Omni-Channel Retail

You will be responsible for analyzing a company’s omni-channel retail strategy.

Company: American Girl

Remember to stay focused on omni-channel (i.e. if you choose Target, you’re not studying Target in general, but specifically the way that Target integrates online and offline presence to facilitate or enable sales).

If you study a publicly-traded company, one of the most valuable resources you will find is your company’s most recent 10k. The 10k is an annual report that the company files with the SEC and posts on its website (you can find it quickly through a Google search).

Paper Contents :

Your paper will provide a discussion of the firm’s overall strategy.

Your paper will be 2 pages, double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Company: American Girl

In your paper, you should address:

Company History and General Business Model (2 pages)

○ How did the company (or unit within a company) get started?

○ What are their major sources of revenue?

○ What are their major expenses?

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