Please see the attached document for specific instructions for the evaluation. Instructions For Case Study Program Evaluation

Please see the attached document for specific instructions for the evaluation. 

Instructions For Case Study Program Evaluation

Evaluate relevant evidence-based counseling research for informing counseling practices, and evaluate the use of methodologies (Qualitative and Quantitative) in existing counseling research for their implications on client care by assessing the counseling program evaluations case study and their impact on targeted populations. Distinguish the use of ethical and cultural considerations within counseling practice.


Your program evaluation will include a summary of the current program, along with future recommendations. Specifically, the following
critical elements must be addressed in your paper:

Purpose of the Program Evaluation: Describe the purpose of a program evaluation in evidence-based practice. How does it support the profession?

Introduction to the Case Study: Considering the provided data set, address the goal of this program evaluation.

Review Summary of the Data

a. Identify what
kind of data is being used. Is the proposed evaluation qualitative or quantitative in nature?

b. Determine if the design reflects
ethical and cultural considerations. Is the data representative of the culture of the population being evaluated?

c. Identify the
patterns or trends. What does the data tell you? Comment on the qualitative and quantitative data, and compare and contrast the two.


a. Describe the
results of the evaluation.

b. Determine if the program is
effective. Why or why not?

c. Identify a
future improvement for the delivery of the clinical program based on the data that is being evaluated.

What to Submit: Your references must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Case Study – Program Evaluation

Setting: Community Mental Health Center

Service: Counseling Group for Adults Suffering from Depression

Service Providers: Masters-level Licensed Professional Counselor


1. Beck Depression Inventory

Description of Measure: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a 21-item, self-report rating inventory that measures characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression (Beck et al., 1961). The BDI has been developed in different forms, including several computerized forms, a card form, the 13-item short form, and the more recent BDI-11 by Beck and Brown (May et al., 1969, cited in Groth-Marnat, 1990; see Steer et al., 2000, for information on the clinical utility of the BDI�11). The BDI takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, although clients require a fifth- to sixth-grade reading level to adequately understand the questions (Groth-Marnat, 1990). Internal consistency for the BDI ranges from .73 to .92, with a mean of .86 (Beck et al., 1988). Similar reliabilities have been found for the 13-item short form (Groth-Marnat, 1990). The BDI demonstrates high internal consistency, with alpha coefficients of .86 and .81 for psychiatric and nonpsychiatric populations, respectively (Beck et al., 1988).


2. Demographic data on age and gender:





3. Text data

Answers to the following open-ended question were gathered from group participants.

What do you perceive as the benefits of participating in the Counseling Therapy Group?

Group 1:

1. I feel better; I am no longer worries all the time

2. It’s good to have others that understand because it makes me feel less alone in the world

3. Nothing, I feel the same

4. Life doesn’t seem so lonely and I look forward to group every week

5. I feel more hopeful about the future

6. I can get out of the house on Wednesday and do something besides watch TV

7. I have learned new ways to cope when I feel stressed out

8. The topics help me consider alternate perspectives and learn new ways to handle my problems

9. I like the snacks

10. I feel so much better than I did before I came

11. I think I am better and I don’t get upset nearly as easily as I used to

12. My family says I am less mad all the time

Group 2:

1. I don’t want to die anymore so that is a great improvement

2. I’m not sure how things are different

3. I have something to live for and don’t feel hopeless like I did before

4. My wife doesn’t want to divorce me now so I guess I must have improved somehow

5. I can’t think of anything good about this

6. I have made new friends and I wasn’t expecting that

7. There are people that understand me and it is really nice not to feel so alone in the world

8. Nothing. This is stupid

9. I have learned how to calm myself down which is a drastic improvement

10. I don’t cry as much which is really nice and makes my wife happy

11. I think I am handling things at work and at home much better

12. I can imagine the future instead of thinking that life is over


Beck, A. T., Ward, C. H., Mendelson, M., Mock, J., & Erbaugh, J. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4, 561–571.

Beck, A. T., Steer, R. A., & Garbin, M. G. (1988). Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: Twenty-five years of evaluation. Clinical Psychology

Review, 8(1), 77–100.

Groth-Marnat, G. (1990). The handbook of psychological assessment (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Hojat, M., Shapurian, R., & Mehrya, A. H. (1986). Psychometric properties of a Persian version of the short form of the Beck Depression Inventory for Iranian

college students. Psychological Reports, 59(1), 331–338.

Steer, R. A., Rissmiller, D. J., & Beck, A. T. (2000). Use of the Beck Depression Inventory with depressed geriatric patients. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(3),


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