Research PaperPart 1 Post ideas of fraud for approvalPART 2 1.

Research Paper

Part 1 Post ideas of fraud for approval


Imagine your intent is to make as much money as you can by committing fraud.
Give a detailed description of how you would commit this fraud e.g.  individuals, companies and departments involved and impacted by your fraud scheme, any other pertinent information to give a clear understanding of your fraud scheme.  Remember your goal is to make as much money as possible while trying not to get caught so be creative.

Provide details on the type of organization where you plan to commit the fraud it could be an existing company (if you use the company you work for please change the name) or it could be a new company you decide to start

Identify how this type of fraud is classified (billing, cyber, etc) and how exactly you would commit the fraud.

Provide a visual representation (such as a flow chart) of how the fraud would be committed as an overview
Assume you are presenting the scheme to a jury with little to no fraud experience.


· 3 pages, excluding the cover page, Abstract/Introduction and List of References.

PARTS 3, 4,

2. Describe existing internal controls. Explain the controls, if any, in detail that would have prevented you from committing this fraud.

3. Explain the fraud detection techniques in detail that would have uncovered your fraudulent activities


· 3 pages, excluding the cover page, Abstract/Introduction and List of References.


4. Explain the laws that could be used to prosecute you for committing this fraud and if this would have deterred you from committing the fraud.


· Include any corrections to Parts 1, 2 and 3 which you were advised to make by the Intructor in earlier submissions.

· 3 pages, excluding the cover page, Abstract/Introduction and List of References.


· Prepare a minimum 10-slide (excludes cover page, Introduction and Reference page) PowerPoint presentation based on the research paper that you submitted in Week 7

· You must have a visual and audio component to your presentation so you can use voice over in PowerPoint or any other recording software you choose to use.

· Proper APA format on citations and sources in the body of your slides.

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