Film Review
Students have the freedom to choose a movie for the Film Review assignment. The movie must take place in USA. The film must also encompass the time or era we are learning about. For example,
HIST 1301, 1500-1865 and
HIST 1302, 1865-Present. The main objective of the assignment is to make as many connections to US history. Explain how the connections you made helps us understand changes that have occurred over time.
Please read the following guidelines:
1. The Film Review must be at least 400 words, double spaced, size 12, and bibliography (Film).
2. What was the strongest emotion you felt when watching the film?
3. What did you learn from this movie?
4. Which character did you love, pity, admire, or hate the most? Why?
5. How does the Film connect to USA history?
Students must write a minimum one or maximum two page film review. Please review the film and make as many connections to US History and today.