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IDS 400 Module Four Activity Guidelines and Rubric


For this activity, you will consider influences on constructive engagement with your topic. You will also propose how your ideas to transform conversations about your topic might influence how we as a larger society perceive it. This activity contributes to your draft of the critical analysis section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.


In this activity, you will work on the second part of the critical analysis of your topic in diversity. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activity and use your responses to inform this assignment. Throughout the process, you will support your analysis with reliable evidence from varied sources, which include at least two resources from course materials and two resources from the library. For this activity, you will assess factors that may influence engagement with your topic and then explain one potential obstacle that could interfere with constructive conversation about your topic. Finally, you will describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence societal conversations about your topic.

You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria but may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
    1. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
    2. Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
    3. You will be evaluated on both criteria.
  2. Assess at least two significant factors that could affect your topic, such as biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or values.
    1. In the previous activity, you identified positive elements in conversations about your topic and elements that might benefit from change. Now, determine factors that might influence how insiders and outsiders engage with your topic. What might change their perceptions of the topic or how they talk about it?
  3. Explain how at least one potential obstacle could interfere with the population’s engagement with your topic.
    1. In the previous activity, you identified conversational elements that present opportunities for change. Now, determine a possible obstacle that could interfere with this constructive engagement.
  4. Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence the societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversity.
    1. You have critically examined how insiders and outsiders of your chosen population engage with your topic. How might your ideas for more constructive, transformative engagement impact how we, as a greater society, talk about your topic?

What to Submit

Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the
Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Module Four Activity Rubric

CriteriaProficient (100%)Needs Improvement (75%)Not Evident (0%)Value
Reliable Evidence from Varied SourcesIntegrates reliable evidence from varied sources throughout the paper to support analysisShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include drawing from a more diverse pool of perspectives, using more varied sources to support the analysis, or integrating evidence and sources throughout the paper to support the analysisDoes not attempt criterion20
Significant FactorsAssesses at least two significant factors that could impact the topic, such as biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or valuesShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include assessing at least two significant factors that could impact the topic or providing more support of the assessmentDoes not attempt criterion20
Potential ObstacleExplains how at least one potential obstacle could interfere with the population’s engagement with the topicShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing more detailed explanation of the obstacle or providing more support of how the obstacle might interfere with the population’s engagement with the topicDoes not attempt criterion20
Societal ConversationDescribes a possible outcome of the proposed engagement that might influence societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversityShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include providing more details about how the critical analysis could influence societal conversations about the topic or how it might add to awareness of diversityDoes not attempt criterion30
Articulation of ResponseClearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purposeShows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readabilitySubmission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas5
Citations and AttributionsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errorsUses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errorsDoes not use citations for ideas requiring attribution5

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