Write a paper revolved around crime causation. Specifically, you are expected to:Introduction (10 points): Choose a type of crime/deviance, such as

Write a paper revolved around crime causation. Specifically, you are expected to:

  1. Introduction (10 points): Choose a type of crime/deviance, such as violent crime, hate crime, white collar crime, deviance, antisocial behavior, juvenile delinquency, etc. Why do you want to examine this crime/deviance? Why is it important to know more about it?
  2. Literature Review (40 points): Review and summarize 3 to 6 academic journal articles (NOT websites, blogs, or news stories) that explain the causes of this type of crime/deviance.
  3. Elaboration (20 points): Compare and contrast how those journal articles are related to, or/and differentiated from, each other— that is, synthesize how they draw on similar / different theories, come to similar/different conclusions, etc.
  4. Causality (20 points): Based on your summary and synthesis of the journal articles, answer this question: what exactly causes people to commit this type of crime/deviance?
  5. Policy Implications (10 points): Based on your causal argument, what can be done to reduce or stop this type of crime/deviance?

Academic Journals

(including but not limited to the following)

  • Criminology
  • Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society
  • Criminology & Criminal Justice
  • American Journal of Criminal Justice
  • American Journal of Sociology
  • American Sociological Review
  • Criminal Justice and Behavior
  • Crime & Delinquency
  • Criminology & Public Policy
  • Others. For more journals, see

Submission Guidelines

• The paper should be in the essay format, 5 to 7 pages, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, and using 12-pt font.

  • It must include in-text citations and a reference list at the end (using the ASA/APA format).You may cite class readings and/or outside readings.

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