find below attached document Written Assignment – Immune System Disorders Rasmussen University – NUR2063: Essentials of

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Written Assignment – Immune System Disorders 

Rasmussen University – NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology

Title of Assignment:

Module 02 Written Assignment – Immune System Disorders

Purpose of Assignment:

Apply knowledge and understanding of the pathophysiology of immune system disorders. Autoimmune disorders are generally considered the host attacking itself, which manifests in different types of disorders.

Course Competency(s):

· Determine the cellular functions required to regulate homeostasis.



Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review content in your text for potential types of disorders.

Interview the affected person and write a 3–5-page summary of the interview, including:

· Identify the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder

· Summarize the findings of the interview

· Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

· Cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format. Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Questions you may want to use to guide your interview:

1. How would you describe your immune system disorder?

2. How long have you had this disorder?

3. How has this disorder changed your life (home and work)?

4. Are you able to carry out daily activities independently?

5. How has this disorder changed your body?

6. How has this disorder impacted you emotionally?



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