General Education Self Assessment see attachmentWeek 3: General Education Self Assessment LAS432 is the capstone course for

 General Education Self Assessment see attachment

Week 3: General Education Self Assessment

LAS432 is the capstone course for the General Education program embedded in every student’s overall academic journey. The capstone course is a final opportunity to develop the General Education Common Learning Outcomes (GECLOs) and assess how well you’ve mastered them. The GECLOs represent personal skills essential for success in every career field. Self-assessment is a valuable way to identify opportunities for continued growth in any personal and professional development endeavor. Completing this assignment will also help you prepare for the Week 8 assignment.

General Education Common Learning Outcomes

Communication: Select and implement effective communication strategies.

Critical Thinking: Integrate principles, concepts, and methodologies to analyze and solve complex problems, including applied mathematics and logical reasoning.

Information Literacy: Conduct research and develop information synthesis skills.

Technology Literacy: Leverage current and discipline-specific technologies.

Cultural Competence: Engage and collaborate with diverse perspectives.

Global Awareness and Civic Engagement: Engage and respond to civil, social, cultural, and global issues.

For this assignment, please assess how well you believe you have mastered each of these outcomes using this scale:


For each of the six outcomes, provide a numerical rating and justification for that rating. Support your self-assessment with specific examples of things you learned in General Education courses or how you applied that skill development. As a reminder, any course with an ENGL, HUMN, SPCH, SOCS, ETHC, CARD, COLL, or LEAD prefix is part of the General Education curriculum. 

In each paragraph, or as a final paragraph, write about your opportunities and plans to continue developing these essential personal and professional skills.

Additional Requirements:

· Length: 300-500 words

· Format: Include a title page in APA 7th edition style

· Research: No external research is expected. Your writing is based purely on your own educational experiences. However, you may wish to review your transcript and course descriptions in the 

DeVry academic catalogLinks to an external site.
 to remind you what each course was about. The academic catalog also provides a detailed description of the GECLOs on the University General Education Common Core page.

· External tools: No external tools are allowed, including ChatGPT, Grammarly, Microsoft Co-Pilot, Google Translate, or any other tool that generates, changes, or rearranges your work


Week 3: General Education Self Assessment Rubric

Week 3: General Education Self Assessment Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBasic Requirements

Meets length requirement of 300-500 words; includes title page in APA format.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-Assessment Content

Student provides a numerical rating for each criterion; student justifies each rating with one or more examples from the General Education curriculum.

30 pts

Total Points: 50


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