JndndDepartment Of ManagementManagement Information SystemSection 1 · Answer


Department Of Management

Management Information System

Section 1

· Answer each of the questions assigned to your group accordingly and precisely.

· Sources you used MUST be cited.

· Your answers should be short and to the point.

· Weight 20%




Asst topics/ questions


1. Abebe Mulu

2. Abemelek Demelash

3. Aemiro Belete

4. Bekalu Abebe

5. Beniam Alemgashu

UGR/9024/15 UGR/0998/15




Q1. Browse the website of:

A. Ethiopian Investment Commission

B. Ethiopian Ministry of tourism and culture and answer each of the following questions.

A. What kind of information and services does the web site provide ,

B. Explain how business/ individuals can benefit from the information they get from the websites?

C. Explain how each of the Web sites help the respective organizations achieve some of their strategic business objectives

D. What would be the impact on the businesses or services of the companies if the web sites were not available?


A. Explain why data quality audits and data cleansing are essential.

B. Describe the roles of information policy and data administration in information management.

C. It has been said that there is no bad data, just bad management. Discuss the implications of this statement.

D. What are the consequences of an organization not having an information policy?

E. Identify different business directory lists in Ethiopia, if any.

What is the advantage of having such directories?


1. Belayneh Genet

2. Abel Andarge

3. Abreham Gezahegn

4. Alula Abreha

5. Betremariam Gesses






Q1. Consider EBC, EIC, Ethio-telecom…..

(1) What is the role of IT in their operation?

(2) How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency, decision-making capability, and business strategy?

(3) What are the strategic objectives that firms try to achieve by investing in IS? For each strategic objective, give an example of how a firm could use IS to achieve that objective.


Write a paper on these topics

(a) AI in business & Mgt

(b) Blockchain in business and Mgt


1. Abduljebar Jundi

2. Addisalem Teshome

3. Amira Jubari

4. Bereket Mequanent

5. Betelhem Dawit 







A. How do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance?

One consulting firm has predicted that video and Web conferencing will make business travel extinct. Do you agree? Why or why not?

What is the distinction between videoconferencing and telepresence?

What are the ways in which videoconferencing provides value to a business? Would you consider it smart management? Explain your answer.

E. Identify the management, organization, and technology factors affecting adoption of internal corporate social networks.

Q2. Explain how using a competitive forces model and calculating the TCO of technology assets help firms make good infrastructure investments.

The competitive forces model can be used to determine how much to spend on IT infrastructure and where to make strategic infrastructure investments. What is the market demand for the organization’s services? What is the organization’s business strategy? What is the organization’s information technology (IT) strategy, infrastructure, and costs? Has the organization performed an IT assessment? What technology services do competitors offer to their customers, suppliers, and employees? How much does the organization’s competitor spend on IT infrastructure?


1. Aklesiya Huluager

2. Abenezer Solomon

3. Abraham Alemu

4. Amanuel Tafesse

5. Amanuel Abrham






1. Based on the above, which IT job would you like to have? Do some original research and write a two-page paper describing the duties of the job you are interested in.

2. Spend a few minutes on
www.ethiojobs.net to find IT jobs in your area. What IT jobs are currently available? Write up a two-page paper describing three jobs, their starting salary (if listed), and the skills and education needed for the job.

3. How is the IT function/ dept organized in the following organizations: (a) CBE, (b) Ethio-telecom, (c) Ethiopian Airlines? Comment on how centralized or decentralized the IT function is.

4. Identify the management, organization, and technology factors affecting adoption of internal corporate social networks.


1. Agape Yohannes

2. Aklilu Ali

3. Assefa Yemane

4. Beamlak Ashenafi

5. Bethlehem Fekadu







A. Go online and research uses of smart phones in banking, insurance, restaurants & cafeterias etc. Prepare a report to share your findings.

B. Use the Internet to research the latest technological developments in smart phones, and discuss how those could be used by companies to deliver value to customers and shareholders.

C. How could a business use information technology to increase switching costs and lock in its customers and suppliers? Use business examples to support your answers.

D. With the ever increasing competition for jobs, how can you use IT to make employers note to your CV (application). Try to consider your Skill sets, College or University you graduate, etc.

E. Study the challenges of import and export business face in Ethiopia and report on how IT can help to address the challenges.


A. Which websites in Ethiopia use cloud computing services?

B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal smartphones for work?

C. What management, organization, and technology factors should be addressed when deciding whether to allow employees to use their personal smartphones for work?


1. Berhan Debebe  

2. Alebachew Girma

3. Alemayehu Yassab

4. Aklilu Mekonnin

5. Ayenew Gebrie






Q1. Read web sites of hotels, beer factories, bottled water factories etc and identify their businesses and processes. Based on the information you get, suggest strategic information systems appropriate for that particular business, including those based on Internet technology, if appropriate.


A. What ERP system does your university or place of employment use? Find out which one they use and see how it compares to other ERP systems.

B. If you were running a small business with limited funds for information technology, would you consider using cloud computing? Find some web-based resources that support your decision.

C. Go to
www.sourceforge.net and review their most downloaded software applications. Report back on the variety of applications you find. Then pick one that interests you and report back on what it does, the kind of technical support offered, and the user reviews.

D. Review this article (
)on the security risks of open-source software. Write a short analysis giving your opinion on the different risks discussed.


1. Abdulrehim Nesre

2. Assefa Shambel

3. Awel Mohammed

4. Abdulkerim Werkicho 5. Aman Kedir






A. Why is selecting computer hw and sw for the organization an important management decision? What mgt, org, and technology issues should be considered when selecting computer hw & Sw?

B. Should organizations use software service providers for all their software needs? Why or why not? What management, organization, and technology factors should be considered when making this decision?

C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing?

D. What are the current computer software platforms and trends?

E. What are the current hardware platforms and trends?


A. What factors should companies take into consideration when making the decision between developing their own applications, purchasing them from a vendor, or taking the SaaS route, as discussed here? Make a list of factors and discuss their importance to this decision.

By implementing systems based on SaaS, companies are relinquishing control over ownership of the technology and are putting access to valuable data in the hands of a third party. What are the dangers of taking this approach? How could companies guard against them? Break into small groups to discuss these issues and provide some suggestions and recommendations.


1. Beshir Gishe

2. Abdurahman Tofik

3. Abdisa Mohamed

4. Ayano Bedo

5. Ashenafi Fetensa






1. AAU relies on IS to operate over 7 campuses. Demand for additional servers and storage technology is growing by 20 percent each year. AAU is setting up a separate server for every application, and its servers and other computers were running a number of different operating systems, including several versions of Unix and Windows. AAU had to manage technologies from many different vendors, including HP, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, and IBM. Assess the impact of this situation on business performance. What factors and management decisions must be considered when developing a solution to this problem?

2. By embedding RFID chips into products, it is possible to track products and people (consumers). This might raise concern of tracking consumers.

How would you feel if your university used RFID tags embedded in student IDs to replace the magnetic swipe strip? On a campus, RFID tags might be used to control building access, manage computer access, or even automatically track class attendance.

Enter “RFID” into an Internet search engine and summarize the search results. Of the top 20 results, how many were positive, negative, or neutral?

Enter “RFID” and “privacy” into an Internet search engine, select a page expressing privacy concerns, and summarize them in a brief essay. Do you find these concerns compelling?


1. Abel Gebeyew

2. Abel Yonas

3. Alazar Alemayehu

4. Alazar Bizuayehu

5. Amesiyas Mengistu






1. What is the IP address of your computer? How did you find out? What is the IP address of google.com? How did you find out?

2. What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? Create at least three statements that identify the differences between the two.

3. Who are the broadband providers in your area? What are the prices and speeds offered?

4. Compare the business models and core competencies of Google, Apple, and Facebook

a. Why is mobile computing so important to these three firms? Evaluate the mobile strategies of each firm.

b. Which company and business model do you think is most likely to dominate the Internet and why?

c. What difference would it make to a business or to an individual consumer if Apple, Google, or Facebook dominated the Internet experience? Explain your answer.

Study the business model of EBC and identify areas for improvement


1. Beka Abebe

2. Ahmed Jemal

3. Bethlehem Daniel

4. Bethlehem Daniel Assefa

5. Amlaku Guadie






1. Should managers monitor employee e-mail and Internet usage? Why or why not?

2. Describe an effective e-mail and Web use policy for a company.

3. Should managers inform employees that their Web behavior is being monitored? Or should managers monitor secretly? Why?

4. Explore the Web site of online employee monitoring software such as Websense, Barracuda Networks, MessageLabs, or SpectorSoft,
and answer the following questions:

a. What employee activities does this software track? What can an employer learn about an employee by using this software?

b. How can businesses benefit from using this software?

c. How would you feel if your employer used this software where you work to monitor what you are doing on the job? Explain your response.

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