1Aromatherapy, Hand Massage, and Guided Meditation for Stress ReductionStudent name, RN[email protected]Nursing 382 Holistic Nursing


Aromatherapy, Hand Massage, and Guided Meditation for Stress Reduction

Student name, RN

[email protected]

Nursing 382 Holistic Nursing Assessment and Practice

Dr. Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE, AHN-BC



Hospitalized patients along with nurses providing their care are subject to increased stress as a

result of managing and treating acute illness. Therefore, aromatherapy, hand massage, and

guided meditation therapies were examined for their effectiveness on stress reduction in these

individuals. A critical review of literature together with a personal trial of these therapies were

used to evaluate their definition, mechanism of action, practice implementation practicality, and

effectiveness. Individuals who benefit from receiving these therapies were also recognized. The

literature and personal assessment of these therapies provides robust evidence to support the

effectiveness and use of these therapies for stress reduction. The type of evidence obtained

included qualitative and quantitative research studies. Additional benefits demonstrated by these

therapies were also identified. Recommendations for nursing practice implementation include

education of therapy methods and effectiveness on stress reduction in combination with nursing

practice integration strategies. Patient recommendations include teaching complementary

therapy benefits and efficacy to reduce stress through relaxation.

Objectives: After participating in this presentation, the learner will be able to:

1. describe complementary therapy methods, mechanisms of action, effectiveness, and

individual benefits.

2. apply complementary alternative modality practice integration strategies to promote

stress reduction.

3. educate patients on the benefits and effectiveness of complementary therapy.

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