Wk 5-elm/535/-case analysisScenario: To further develop your skills as a literacy coach, you have been asked to review andanalyze a series of

Wk 5-elm/535/-case analysis

Scenario: To further develop your skills as a literacy coach, you have been asked to review and

analyze a series of case studies of students demonstrating a variety of reading problems. You

will make recommendations for assessments to diagnose the reading problems based on your

analysis. These case studies will be shared in a future professional development workshop.

View the “Five Domains of Reading” learning
This is the website:

Read and analyze the 5 case studies presented.

Research reading assessments as recommended by the National Reading Panel, Reading First,

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the Reading Excellence Act

of 1997, or other more current legislation as applicable. The following list of formal and

informal assessments may be a good place to start your research:
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS®)
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment™ (ERDA®)
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests®
Developmental Reading Assessment®
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing™ (CTOPP™)
Phonological Awareness Test™ (PAT™)
Informal reading inventories
ORF (oral reading fluency) measures

Write a 175- to 250-word analysis for each case study. Address the following in each analysis:
Identify and explain the reading challenge or problem suspected in the case study. Consider

which reading domain(s) each student struggles with the most.
Recommend 3 specific formal and/or informal reading assessments (diagnostic tools, screening

tools, or inventories) that you might use to measure students’ reading abilities and determine

the reading problem.
Provide a rationale for your selected diagnostic tools, screening tools, or inventories ranked in

the order that you would implement them.
Explain how and why you might need to adapt one or more of your selected assessments to

address the student’s special needs (e.g., providing a word bank, allowing oral responses

instead of written, or allowing extra time to complete a test).

Note: You should have a total of 5 analyses, 1 for each case study.

Refer to this week’s readings and learning activities for pertinent ideas and information

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