Chemistry 1406 – Introductory to Chemistry I – Allied Health Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to help chemistry students use their scientific

 Chemistry 1406 – Introductory to Chemistry I – Allied Health


The purpose of this assignment is to help chemistry students use their scientific understanding and research to understand public issues that relate to chemistry.

Signature Assignment: Medicinal Use of Marijuana

Medicinal use of marijuana to treat conditions such as cancer, HIV, neurological disorders, inflammatory pain and autoimmune diseases has sparked numerous debates amongst therapeutic users and those who believe it should not be used medicinally. Marijuana is currently classified as a Class I controlled substance by the federal government. As of 2019, 33 states, the District of Columbia Guam and Puerto Rico have legalized the use of medical marijuana with each state requiring users to register but also deciding on the amounts an individual is allowed.

Write a 6-page minimum paper (excluding the title page and reference list) discussing the benefits and challenges faced when using marijuana medicinally. You may use peer-reviewed research papers, academic journals, government sources such as, textbooks and other reliable resources. However, please be sure to support your positions with at least 2 academic journals to uphold the strength of your research.  

Your paper must include the following as stated in the grading rubric (attached separately):

1.     Image – Select an image from a reliable resource to include in your paper and explain how it relates to your content. The selected image must help the reader understand the topic better.

2.     Graph – Insert a graph (and corresponding data table) from one of your cited sources and show that you can interpret the information, relevancy, and importance. From the graph, what generalization(s) can be made?

3.     Mathematical Equations/ Calculations – Use relevant mathematical formulas used in chemistry to calculate an unknown quantity in your paper such as molarity, charge, energy, calories, frequency, mass, slope, y-intercept etc. In doing so, you will demonstrate your ability to analyze quantitative data effectively.

4.     Be sure to thoroughly discuss both sides of the issue and present your position. Presenting both sides of the issue before you state your position demonstrates that you have critically analyzed the data and made a well-informed decision.

5.     Write your paper in third person even as you write your position. Use proper grammar and punctuation.

6.     Include in-text citations and cite sources on the last page. The APA 7th edition guide has been provided below with examples to help you properly format your paper.

APA 7th Edition

·      Your essay should be a minimum of 6-pages (excluding the title page and references) with words typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides (top, bottom left and right margins).

·      APA recommends using Times New Roman for the format and a 12 point font size.

·      Your essay should include four major sections: Title Page, Introduction, Main Body, and References.

Title Page 

  • Title of the paper, (12 words or less, use upper and lower case letter)
  • Include a page header (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page and insert page numbers flush top right. Type “SHORT VERSION OF YOUR TITLE” in the header flush left using all capital letters. The running head is a shortened version of your paper’s title and cannot exceed 50 characters including spacing and punctuation.
  • The words Running Head should only appear on the title page not the other pages, other pages should only have SHORT VERSION OF TITLE.
  • the author’s name, (your name)
  • and the institutional affiliation. (Dallas College – Cedar Valley Campus)
  • Title Page should look like the example shown below:

Websites: How to Cite using APA Format

APA Style 6th Edition YouTube link :  Video Resource for Assistance in Using APA Standards

APA Style Reference Examples link: APA style, reference, and grammar Guidelines

Paiz, J., Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M.,…Keck, R. (2010, May 5). General format. Retrieved from Online Weblink for APA Resource

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