3/3 item 1: Great topic. Definitely novel especially if you do go deeper into how GPS works with triangulation or other methods. Also, it might be a good

3/3 item 1:

Great topic. Definitely novel especially if you do go deeper into how GPS works with triangulation or other methods.

Also, it might be a good idea to mention that robotics will be one of the things you consider as your topic as well. I noticed you mentioned it much later in your first draft but not so much during your introduction, where you establish what your topic will be. The way it’s currently written, it’s almost as if you have two introductions in your paper.

I might suggest making an abstract for your final draft, as having a concise pre summary that directs your reader to your goals and final result might be best for how you’ve written your paper.

3/3 item 2:

Very fantastic discussion of vectors. I do have a few comments to make on your content however:

-For GPS, it mainly uses triangulation to determine the location of a signal, since it can’t really communicate directly with the person in question. Rather, how it operates is the person generates a signal to a cell tower, which that tower then communicates with the satellite on where the person is in relation to the tower based on their signal. The reason they need to use three in triangulation is because to get the person’s exact location, they need to cross reference their location such that three tower’s position vectors align to the same point, which is how it can determine their position.

– For the rest of the vectors you discuss, they function almost spot on with the exception that they base their results off of the final result gained by the triangulation technique I talked about earlier.

-for the cross product, it’s a bit more complicated but a very interesting topic of discussion. I would discuss it here, but I think you looking into how triangulation paired with the cross product would be a very interesting topic to discuss. Also, be sure you’re establishing that you intend to use the cross product to establish the position of the air craft relative to the ground more clearly, as it’s not entirely obvious you’re intending this.

1/3 item 3:

I see you describe the vectors for a diagram in your draft, but the draft that was submitted via email did not contain a diagram in the pdf. There also wasn’t a diagram provided as a separate file, so I’m not able to see the diagram you’re discussing. I’ve given you a point here as it seems you did make one but it’s not anywhere that I can see it.

I’ve contacted Ian about it and he should be reaching out to you soon about it. Either email me or Ian your diagram if you did make one and I’ll review it and award the points you earn on it.

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