Note: All quotes must be encapsulated in quotation marks. Likewise, all papers must be 100% original work to this class. The discovery of past work being

Note: All quotes must be encapsulated in quotation marks. Likewise, all papers must be 100% original work to this class. The discovery of past work being used will be treated as cheating, and as is the case for plagiarism, will as a minimum will result in a 0 for the paper. Also the rubric aside, papers that fall short of minimum length will have a max point award related to the % of the paper they actually submit. For example the max possible for a paper that is 50% short of the minimum length will be 50%.Final Paper: Your final project must be on one of the following topics:

  • Opinion Paper on the Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
  • History and Development of U.S. Drug Policy

Ethical Implications of U.S. Drug Policy.

  • The Origin and Development of the “Poppy”
  • Violence Associated with Illegal Narcotics
  • Mexican Drug Cartels
  • Protecting the Homeland: U.S. Narcotics Policy

Your topic should be fully developed and include at least the ten peer-reviewed articles. Do not use anything from WikipediaInstructions: The final project will include a minimum of 15-17 pages of content excluding the cover page, abstract, table of contents, any and all quotes, images, charts, pictures, and reference section. Again, pls know that any and all quotes do not count toward the minimum # of pagesthe “most recent edition of the APA manual” must be followed with the formulation of the paper. Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pitch, with 1″ margins all around. The use of larger fonts, more than just double spacing, or larger than 1″ margins will result in significant penalties The final project is to be written in an academic tone. You are not to write in the first person. Instead, you need to use the third person. Remember, an academic paper is not to be written like you are having a casual conversation with your friends. Do not include slang or foul language unless you are quoting someone.Large word-for-word quotes are not permitted for the final project. Try to limit direct quotes and paraphrase instead. The final paper needs to include an examination of current research on the particular problem you choose to examine and it needs to include the student’s careful and informed analysis of the issue. Remember that the final project needs to be submitted as a Word Doc attachment. 

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