The total amount is for ALL 3 PARTS!!! Using Excel to Examine Revenue Trends and Outliers in the U.S. Department of Interior Data First, access the

The total amount is for ALL 3 PARTS!!!

Using Excel to Examine Revenue Trends and Outliers in the U.S. Department of Interior Data

First, access the following database: U.S. Department of Interior Natural Resources Revenue

Next, download the file named: Fiscal year revenue, 2004 – 2023 (csv, 4MB)

Open the document in Excel (or Google Sheets) and perform the following tasks to analyze revenue trends and identify outliers in the data:

  1. Sort the document by State. Which 2 states produce the most revenue? How do you interpret the amounts that are marked as zero?
  2. Sort the document by Revenue Type. What are the top 2 revenue types in terms of revenue amount (Column L)?
  3. Use the Filter tool to filter the data for New Mexico, North Dakota, and Wyoming, individually. Which state would you focus on in terms of unexpectedly large revenue increases between 2020 and 2021?
  4. Filter the sheet by the two largest revenue-producing states and product type: oil. Save a copy of this view or a screenshot to include in your deliverable.
  5. Shift your attention by searching  for unusual or outlier observations. Filter the data to identify the two largest oil-producing counties in New Mexico.
  6. Within these two counties, locate the ten smallest (ex. negative amounts) and the ten largest revenue amounts, filtering the revenue into bonuses, other, rents, and royalties. Save a copy of each view to include in your deliverable.
  7. Write a brief 1-page memo to your audit senior explaining your data search, your thoughts on what you observed, and which revenue transactions need further evidence gathering based on their valuation.

Your deliverable will consist of 3 parts:

Part 1: Answering the questions from Steps 1, 2, and 3.Part 2: PDF copies or screenshots from Steps 4 and 6.Part 3: A 1-page memo as outlined in Step 6. Be sure to use complete sentences, be clear and concise in how you write, and have a clear introduction and conclusion.

Your deliverable should conform to APA guidelines

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