Choose two questions to answer. Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information, and use headings to separate your ideas. What, if anything is
Choose two questions to answer. Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information, and use headings to separate your ideas. What, if anything is unique about the transnational crime and illicit goods issues policy makers face in regards to Central and South America? Define terms and provide examples. Is illicit goods smuggling (not human smuggling) a victimless crime? […]
The Research Paper will be 19% of the course grade and consist of 14-20 double spaced pages (excluding title page and reference page). The research will
The Research Paper will be 19% of the course grade and consist of 14-20 double spaced pages (excluding title page and reference page). The research will address one of the following five topics:1. Terrorism and Organized Crime: Similarities and Differences (Connected to Course Learning Objective #4, i.e., Report on how terrorism differs from organized crime).2. History of Organized Crime in […]
This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your
This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your Week 4 assignment. Making these kinds of edits is part of the active learning process about the writing process. In fact, throughout your Legal Studies academic career (and carrying […]
This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your
This week, you will resubmit your Week 4 Case Essay after you have made the changes and edits based my feedback comments that I returned to you for your Week 4 assignment. Making these kinds of edits is part of the active learning process about the writing process. In fact, throughout your Legal Studies academic career (and carrying […]
You have been tasked with creating a handbook for new police supervisors. The topics listed below will be covered in this handbook. Details:Provide an
You have been tasked with creating a handbook for new police supervisors. The topics listed below will be covered in this handbook. Details: Provide an Organizational Chart (graphic) of a police agency showing the chain of command and how any specialized teams (i.e., SWAT Team, Detective Team, etc.) fit into the organization. Briefly describe what […]
For this assignment, you will write a formal legal case brief on either Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000) or Ramirez v.
For this assignment, you will write a formal legal case brief on either Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000) or Ramirez v. Collier, 595 U.S. ___ (2022) a. If you brief Santa Fe Independent School District, then in your comment section, explain how it compares to Good News Club v. […]
Propose a memo for a policy-making body — in the US or UN or perhaps an IGO or NGO — to minimize or mitigate your transnational crime group. Make sure your
Propose a memo for a policy-making body — in the US or UN or perhaps an IGO or NGO — to minimize or mitigate your transnational crime group. Make sure your policy recommendation addresses the problems that you identified in the conclusions of the case study. Think about the causes and effects of your group; try […]
Capstone Project -For the final course project, your journey will end where it began by revisiting your original theory of crime and criminality proposed
Capstone Project -For the final course project, your journey will end where it began by revisiting your original theory of crime and criminality proposed in Discussion post 1. I imagine it has changed quite a bit since you started this course.( Discussion Post 1:I believe people commit crimes mainly due to three factors greed, anger, and […]
For this discussion, please address the following:How do redemption scripts, as conceptualized in desistance theory, shape an individual’s narrative of
For this discussion, please address the following: How do redemption scripts, as conceptualized in desistance theory, shape an individual’s narrative of personal transformation and influence the likelihood of successful reintegration into society? What role do these scripts play in fostering a sense of agency and empowerment for those seeking to distance themselves from a criminal […]
In Week 8, you must submit a formal research paper (10-15 pages), which will be worth 45% of your course grade. Your paper needs to analyze the jury
In Week 8, you must submit a formal research paper (10-15 pages), which will be worth 45% of your course grade. Your paper needs to analyze the jury selection process and its relationship to both: (a) Constitutional law, and (b) an allied field (e.g., education, history, law enforcement, public administration, public policy, psychology, sociology, technology, […]