Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators For this assessment, you will prepare a training tutorial for new nurses

Informatics and Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators

For this assessment, you will prepare a training tutorial for new nurses on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators.

The focus of this Assessment is on how informatics support monitoring of nursing-sensitive quality indicator data. You will develop a training module to orient new nurses in a workplace to a single nursing-sensitive quality indicator critical to the organization. You will address how data are collected and disseminated across the organization along with the nurses’ role in supporting accurate reporting and high-quality results.

First review the Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators below and select the one you’re most interested in. Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators reflect the structure, process, and patient outcomes of nursing care.

Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators are developed by identifying potential indicators that reflect nursing care and are not represented by current indicators, performing a literature review, and determining the validity of the potential indicator in nursing practice.

Select one of the Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators below to use as the focus for this assessment.

• Patient Satisfaction with Pain Management – Outcome.

• Mortality – Outcome.

• Length of Stay – Outcome.

• Central-line-associated Bloodstream Infections – Outcome.

• Sepsis – Outcome.

Imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement Council at any type of health care system, whether acute, ambulatory, home health, managed care, et cetera. Your Council has identified that newly hired nurses would benefit from comprehensive training on the importance of nursing-sensitive quality indicators. The Council would like the training to address how this information is collected and disseminated across the organization. It would also like the training to describe the role nurses have in accurate reporting and high-quality results.

You determine that you will cover the following topics in your training tutorial script:

Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

· What is the National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators?

· What are nursing-sensitive quality indicators?

· Which particular quality indicator did you select to address in your tutorial?

· Why is this quality indicator important to monitor?

· Be sure to address the impact of this indicator on the quality of care and patient safety.

· Why do new nurses need to be familiar with this particular quality indicator when providing patient care?

Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data

· According to your interview and other resources, how does your organization collect data on this quality indicator?

· How does the organization disseminate aggregate data?

· What role do nurses play in supporting accurate reporting and high-quality results?

· As an example, consider the importance of accurately entering data regarding nursing interventions

Additional Requirement:

1) Describes in a professional manner the interdisciplinary team’s role in collecting and reporting quality indicator data to enhance patient safety, patient care outcomes, and organizational performance reports. Offers valuable insight into the impact of the interdisciplinary team on data collection

2) Provides a comprehensive, professional, and academic explanation for how a health care organization uses nursing-sensitive quality indicators to enhance patient safety, patient care outcomes, and organizational performance reports.

3) Provides a comprehensive and scholarly justification for how a nursing-sensitive quality indicator establishes evidence-based practice guidelines for nurses to follow when using patient care technologies to enhance patient safety, satisfaction, and outcomes.

4) Delivers a polished, professional, and effective training tutorial along with speaker notes on a selected quality indicator that engages new nurses and motivates them to accurately report quality data in a timely fashion

References: Cite a minimum of three scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

Length: 3 Pages Double Spaced

APA: a separate reference page that follows APA style and formatting guidelines

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