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Section D
1) A researcher is interested in understanding the factors which lead to happiness. After conducting a survey, she finds happiness is largely determined by having a moderate number of close friends.
In her study, “happiness” is what?
A) A Dependent Variable B) An Independent Variable C) An Attribute
2) If a researcher believes there are five social classes in the United States: 1) the professional class, 2) the business class, 3) the clerical “white collar” class, 4) the working class, and 5) the agrarian (farming) class, if a researcher is interested in studying where individuals are located in the class system, each of the five social classes would be considered examples of what?
A) Dependent Variables B) Independent Variables C) Attributes
3) A researcher is interested in explaining how people find a job. After interviewing numerous people who were recently hired, the researcher argues that most people find employment through friends of friends. In other words, your two-step network connections impact your ability to get a job.
In this study, a persons’ “ability to get a job” is what?
A) A Dependent Variable B) An Independent Variable C) An Attribute
4) A researcher who studies colleges’ student retention rates finds that as the proportion of students who work more than a 20 hour work week beyond their academic schedule increases the student retention rate of the colleges falls.
What type of relationship between “proportion of students who work more than a 20 hour work week beyond their academic schedule” and “student retention rate” has this researcher discovered?
A) A Positive Correlation B) A Negative or Inverse Correlation C) A Set-Theoretic Relationship D) No Relationship has been Established
5) A sociologist interested in education is concerned with the relationship between attendance and grades. She finds that all students who have failed a class have low attendance, but that not all students with low attendance fail a class. This evidence leads her to conclude that low attendance has a ________________ relationship with failing a class.
A) necessary B) sufficient C) necessary and sufficient D) correlational
6) A social movements researcher is interested in the causes of revolutions. In other words, revolutions are the outcome she is interested in explaining. In every case where she finds a revolution, she also finds severe political repression in the prior year. However, there are times when severe political repression occurred in the prior year without a revolution occurring.
What type of relationship between severe political repression and revolution has this researcher discovered?
A) A Necessary Relationship B) A Sufficient Relationship C) A Necessary and Sufficient Relationship D) A Correlation
7) A common sociological finding is that as people’s education level increases, their income also increases.
What type of relationship between education level and income is commonly found?
A) A Positive Correlation B) A Negative or Inverse Correlation C) A Set-Theoretic Relationship D) No Relationship has been Established
8) A criminologist is interested in the relationship between economic conditions and the number of robberies that occur each year. She finds that as economic conditions deteriorate (go down) the number of robberies increases and that as economic conditions improve (go up) the number of robberies goes down.
What type of relationship between economic conditions and number of robberies per year has this researcher discovered?
A) A Positive Correlation B) A Negative or Inverse Correlation C) A Set-Theoretic Relationship D) No Relationship has been Established
10) If an experimentalist uses deception in an experiment but fails to interview the subjects after the experiment has ended to explain that they were deceived, to reveal how and why they were deceived, and to ensure they were not harmed by the deception, the experimenter has failed to take which important step in the ethical treatment of subjects?
A) To get informed consent. B) To explain the difference between anonymity and confidentiality. C) To debrief the subjects. D) To publish the findings of the research.
11) The idea that subjects must voluntarily participate in research and in order to do so must fully understand the possible risks involved in participation is part of what ethical obligation?
A) Informed Consent B) Protecting Subjects’ or Respondents’ Identities C) Debriefing D) Publication
12) If a researcher tells potential subjects or respondents that their responses can be connected to their identities but that the research team promises not to disclose that information publicly, what has the researcher promised to the subjects?
A) Informed Consent B) Anonymity C) Confidentiality D) Debriefing
13) An educational researcher is interested in the relationship between age and hours spent studying for courses in college. Because she paid attention in her research methods course, she knows that it is always good to have multiple measures of any variable. Therefore, she asks for both her respondents’ ages and their dates of birth. The two measures are highly correlated, but while looking over the data she has collected, she notices that a number of respondents’ reported ages do not match their reported dates of birth.
What measurement concern best describes the problem this researcher has encountered with the measure of age?
A) It is imprecise. B) It is inaccurate. C) It is unreliable. D) It is invalid
14) A sociologist is interested in understanding the lives of homeless people in the US. In order to develop a deep understanding of this population and to see the world from the homeless’ perspective, he lived on the street with the homeless in Austin, Texas for a full year. While there he talked with homeless individuals about their lives on the street, how they came to be there, and what they did before they were homeless. He then took this information and began to generate a theory about how the homeless become homeless and how they manage to survive without stable income or shelter. Which general data collection method did this researcher use?
A) An Experiment B) A Survey C) Field Research D) Archival Data E) Secondary Data
15) A criminologist is interested in victimization rates. He knows that most crimes are under-reported so he sends out a questionnaire with questions concerning whether or not the respondent had been a victim of specific crimes over the last 30 days. Using the data he collected from his sample with the questionnaire, he wants to make generalizations about the whole population’s victimization rates. Which general data collection method is this researcher using?
A) An Experiment B) A Survey C) Field Research D) Archival Data E) Secondary Data
16) A stratification researcher wants to pre-test a measurement instrument for her survey. Because it is just a pre-test, she runs over to the Student Union and offers to buy a personal pan pizza for anyone willing to take the survey and discuss ways to improve the survey questions. She gives the first fifteen students who take her up on the offer the survey and then holds a small focus group with them afterwards to figure out if there are any issues with question wording. Which specific sampling technique is this researcher using?
A) Random Assignment B) Systematic Sampling C) Convenience Sampling D) Purposive Sampling